Comprehensive Plan

Comprehensive Plan

Overview: Since 1976, MVCC has maintained a strong focus on the framework governing land use in the Methow Valley and Okanogan County. Under State Law, a Comprehensive Plan is a blueprint for zoning and future growth. It guides where new homes and businesses will be concentrated, identifies important forest, mineral and agricultural lands, and includes other significant land use policies. A Comp Plan establishes a vision for the future, estimates population growth and describes the tools that will be used to implement the vision while protecting natural resources, quality of life and public safety.

In December 2014, Okanogan County adopted a very flawed updated Comprehensive Plan that encouraged far more growth than our predicted water supply can be expected to serve. MVCC and Futurewise appealed the Comp Plan in January 2015 in Okanogan County Superior Court. The Department of Ecology filed an important supporting brief.

In March 2016, Okanogan County Superior Court Judge Christopher Culp determined that he could not make a ruling on the validity of the Comprehensive Plan until the new Zone Code was adopted and he could determine whether or not the new code included “provisions adequate to protect the quality and quantity of groundwater” and addressed the issues of wildfire impacts and farmland preservation. At the time, the County assured the court that these issues would be addressed in the new Zone Code. The Zone Code was adopted in July 2016 and subsequently appealed by MVCC, Futurewise and the Yakama Nation. All parties agreed to consolidate the case on the Comp Plan and Zone Code.

In June 2017, Judge Culp issued an interim ruling on our appeal against the County challenging the current Comprehensive Plan and Zone Code. The judge issued a “stay,” which suspends legal proceedings but allows the case to move forward later if necessary. The terms of the stay included a requirement for the county to complete a revised Comprehensive Plan and Zone Code by December 31, 2018. This deadline was not met.

In late November 2018, Okanogan County released a draft Comp Plan update and Scoping Notice. MVCC provided Scoping Comments and suggested a fourth Alternative – that we’re calling “the Citizens Alternative” – for inclusion in analysis for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Among other important measures like protection of dark skies and wildlife corridors, the Citizens Alternative  provides for land use planning that supports better preparedness for wildfire, increased development pressure and potential water shortages. MVCC launched a petition to support inclusion of the Citizens Alternative in the DEIS. The petition has gained over 200 signatures to date.

In July 2019, the County, under Planning Director Perry Huston’s leadership releases an updated Comp Plan and incomplete Draft EIS for public comment. It does not include the Citizens Alternative as an option.

In Winter 2019-2020, the Okanogan County Planning Department undergoes a Director transition, and hires Stephanie “Pete” Palmer as the new planning director. Palmer has a background in planning work for the Colville Confederated Tribes and is a tribal member.

During 2020 Planning Director Palmer initiates a legal review and revises the Comprehensive Plan.

Latest News:

On Feb 4th, 2021 the County released a new draft of the Comp Plan and an Addendum to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analyzing four separate alternatives, including the Citizens’ Alternative (Alternative 4). MVCC has reviewed and evaluated the new draft and EIS, and put together a commenting guide to help you make your voice heard.  Comments are due by March 8th at 5pm.


The County’s first Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1964. View MVCC’s past work on the Comprehensive Plan, here.